Chaos Theory: An Argument for God


A member of today’s modern society could be forgiven if, upon hearing the words “religion” and “science” spoken in the same sentence, they tighten their lips and immediately shuffle their feet nervously. This would, of course, be done to avoid the obvious offense they might cause if they were to continue the conversation because after all, it is common knowledge that these two topics of interest are constantly engaged in warfare with one another. Or so the story appears to go. In fact, there are many ways to approach the religion versus science debate. You can either believe religion fills in what science leaves out, or that science is actually run by God. One may trump the other in your opinion, or perhaps they’re equal. Perhaps they both work together, science answering the “How” questions, and religion answering the “Why”. But theories have arisen that actually find God in science, especially quantum science.Kenneth Miller offers a theory that poses reconciliation between science and religion that utilizes the most modern scientific advances in quantum studies to show that, not only is it possible that God could actively influence the world today via atomic particle’s chaotic motion, but also that human free will can exist in the midst of what is perchance a divine plan.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that, due to mathematical limits on accuracy, we can never know a particle’s exact momentum and position because as one’s measurement becomes more accurate, the other becomes less so. This creates an inherent element of chaos (in the sense that it appears this way to us) built into the workings of the universe that cannot be fully comprehended. But there is an argument that this chaos might just be the perfect opportunity for God to influence the world via controlling the motions of the particles.Unlike other constructs humanity has created throughout history in order to make sense of the world that science eventually debunks (i.e., a chariot pulling the sun across the sky as in Greek myth), Miller’s theory does not have the potential to fall into the God-of-the-gaps trap or face debunking by the scientific community-no matter how much they may want to. This is due to the fact that the inherent uncertainty in the motion of particles can never be predicted; it’s not just due to lack of technology.Without being able to predict the particle’s motion, there is no way to disprove Miller’s theory that God is influencing these particles. Thus Miller is able to create a theory that cannot be disproven. And with new scientific discoveries being made every day, there’s a good chance that as time progresses, more harmony will prevail and theories arise, than it is for an endless feud to continue on.


We as Co-creators (with God)

Observing, from a detached position, the world of matter that we enter as human beings i.e. the universe or universal ‘plane’, one sees how we, as souls, create our lives and experiences. Through the law of cause and effect we constantly create our future, individually and collectively, immediate and long term, by our thoughts, actions and attitudes. This future includes our bodies, social environment, ecological environment, mental state, medical state and manner of death. Perhaps, in creating the Virtual Reality we presently create via computers we are subconsciously expressing this co-creativity through the conscious mind and technology. Virtual Reality seems almost real and technology will, no doubt, improve on this in time. We seem to experience what we create in this Virtual Reality. This is, of course, an illusion but an experience nevertheless. I am sure most if us would agree to this.
During a life, we, as a soul, experience the events that occur in the same detached manner as after the
body dies despite the person feeling and experiencing these with the full impact of the senses. In this, the more detached the state of being of the soul/person (the entity) the less the experiences attach as ‘baggage’ to the subconscious to become an encumbrance later. This is because the life/lives we take on in this plane, and this plane itself, are not really what they seem; they are an illusion, or dreamlike, and not true reality. The only true reality is our state of being when we were created – our god state.
When we are dreaming, what occurs is very, very real as we all know and yet, on awakening, we
dismiss the event as just a dream. However, the euphoria or horror of the dream is ‘real’ enough to remain with us for a variable period. When we are awake everything is very real too. Which is the true reality? When we leave our body our life here becomes the ‘dream’ and where we then are becomes the reality. When we reach full enlightenment, Christhood or full realisation, call it what we will, that is the only reality, and there is no dream of any sort. From our physical mindset, therefore, we create both the dream ‘reality’ and the virtual ‘reality’ with the latter more approximating the reality of former when technology is refined. In the manner in which the dream and the technologically created ‘reality’ are similar but not the same so is the similarity between “life in the physical” and our existence when not in the physical.
In constantly creating our future we create, as part of that future, the state of the health of our bodies.
This happens through our attachment to our experiences in life, and the greater the attachment the greater the effect on the body. In other words, the more the ‘baggage’ the more the adverse effect on the health of the body and the mind, and it must be remembered that this ‘baggage’ may come from more than one life. ‘Baggage’ is attached to the mind that is not an integral part of the Self but only something acquired along the way, and the mind, from the Thought Field, through the Life Field creates the dis-ease in the latter, which in turn creates disease, and illness in the physical body. Conversely, altering the state of the mind by getting rid of ‘baggage’ and not taking on more, by being non-attached, dis-ease and its consequences cease to be. Of course, total detachment, total subduing of the mind, results in full enlightenment and, when we achieve this the necessity to enter this plane no longer exists.
Faced with any situation in life we are presented with options, from these options, depending on our
attitudes and thoughts, we make a choice; if this choice creates stress this stress creates one or more of the following: a reduction in the efficiency of the immune system, headaches, muscular tension resulting in pain, digestive problems and so on. The possibilities are endless. Similarly, hate, sustained anger, an imbalance between work, relaxation and play etc. adversely affect mind and body. To further illustrate the point of creating our own future we can take the simple situation where we, say, slap someone and get slapped in return; or where deforestation is followed by floods and landslides. This is
‘instant karma’ and, perhaps more easily understood than effects that take longer to manifest. The active principle is the same.

Observing, from a detached position, the world of matter that we enter as human beings i.e. the universe or universal ‘plane’, one sees how we, as souls, create our lives and experiences. Through the law of cause and effect we constantly create our future, individually and collectively, immediate and long term, by our thoughts, actions and attitudes. This future includes our bodies, social environment, ecological environment, mental state, medical state and manner of death. Perhaps, in creating the Virtual Reality we presently create via computers we are subconsciously expressing this co-creativity through the conscious mind and technology. Virtual Reality seems almost real and technology will, no doubt, improve on this in time. We seem to experience what we create in this Virtual Reality. This is, of course, an illusion but an experience nevertheless. I am sure most of us would agree to this.

During a life, we, as a soul, experience the events that occur in the same detached manner as after the body dies despite the person feeling and experiencing these with the full impact of the senses. In this, the more detached the state of being of the soul/person (the entity) the less the experiences attach as ‘baggage’ to the subconscious to become an encumbrance later. This is because the life/lives we take on in this plane, and this plane itself, are not really what they seem; they are an illusion, or dreamlike, and not true reality. The only true reality is our state of being when we were created – our god state.

When we are dreaming, what occurs is very, very real as we all know and yet, on awakening, we dismiss the event as just a dream. However, the euphoria or horror of the dream is ‘real’ enough to remain with us for a variable period. When we are awake everything is very real too. Which is the true reality? When we leave our body our life here becomes the ‘dream’ and where we then are becomes the reality. When we reach full enlightenment, Christhood or full realisation, call it what we will, that is the only reality, and there is no dream of any sort. From our physical mindset, therefore, we create both the dream ‘reality’ and the virtual ‘reality’ with the latter more approximating the reality of former when technology is refined. In the manner in which the dream and the technologically created ‘reality’ are similar but not the same so is the similarity between “life in the physical” and our existence when not in the physical.

In constantly creating our future we create, as part of that future, the state of the health of our bodies. This happens through our attachment to our experiences in life, and the greater the attachment the greater the effect on the body. In other words, the more the ‘baggage’ the more the adverse effect on the health of the body and the mind, and it must be remembered that this ‘baggage’ may come from more than one life. ‘Baggage’ is attached to the mind that is not an integral part of the Self but only something acquired along the way, and the mind, from the Thought Field, through the Life Field creates the dis-ease in the latter, which in turn creates disease, and illness in the physical body. Conversely, altering the state of the mind by getting rid of ‘baggage’ and not taking on more, by being non-attached, dis-ease and its consequences cease to be. Of course, total detachment, total subduing of the mind, results in full enlightenment and, when we achieve this the necessity to enter this plane no longer exists.

Faced with any situation in life we are presented with options, from these options, depending on our attitudes and thoughts, we make a choice; if this choice creates stress this stress creates one or more of the following: a reduction in the efficiency of the immune system, headaches, muscular tension resulting in pain, digestive problems and so on. The possibilities are endless. Similarly, hate, sustained anger, an imbalance between work, relaxation and play etc. adversely affect mind and body. To further illustrate the point of creating our own future we can take the simple situation where we, say, slap someone and get slapped in return; or where deforestation is followed by floods and landslides. This is ‘instant karma’ and, perhaps more easily understood than effects that take longer to manifest. The active principle is the same.

Human Mind – Clouding our sky

Sitting at the couch thinking about the way life has progressed for me, I sometimes feel curious to
know more about life : the problems that one faces and the right way to tackle them. At that moment,
I make it a point to seek for these and many more answers regarding life. But then I am not too sure
about the steps I should take to achieve the target. Moments come and go. I spend days and nights
thinking about what should I do to take even a sneak peak at these answers. Then, one fine evening I
come across a line that gives me most of the answers that I need. 😀 It says,
“Realisation is Revelation – It is as if the dust and debris of time are swept away
and the shining truth is revealed.What is ‘seen’, ‘known’,’identified with’ in a
transcendent state cannot adequately be conveyed by the written or spoken word.”
Now most of us would feel as if what this has to do with the thoughts that come into our minds. We
feel so beacuse we have not yet realized what games our mind plays with us! 🙂 Let me show you how
it does so. There is something called “Illusion” that is the driving force behined the course of events.
But how it affects what we think? The answer is that we think what illusions make us think!
Don’t agree with me? Try this – If we are shown a green leaf and asked what its colour is, we will reply
that it is green. However, it is not green. It only appears to be green because it absorbs all but that
part of the light spectrum that makes green, and that is the part that is reflected to our eyes. A
beautiful butterfly wing is not beautiful at all; it only looks that way because the tiny scales on the
wings are angled in different ways to create different colours. Likewise, materials we take to be solid
are not solid – glass flows slowly in response to gravity, the hardest diamond has space between its
atoms and molecules; and energy particles are passing right through all seemingly solid bodies,
including our own. Nothing is as it appears!  🙂
Because of the creative ability that we the humans are blessed with, we think we have entered in this
world and so we become attatched to the pleasures it gives but with this there also comes the pain(the
opposite of pleasure in case you didn’t know :P) because of the fundamental law that every action in
this world has an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, we only think that we are here but actually we
areust standing outside looking at what is happening. just like dreams as they appear real to us when
we are dreaming. 🙂
As humans what we should strive to realize that everything is impermanent here. Everything we see,
we hear, we possess , our thoughts! [This is the game our mind plays with us by creating thoughts
and we begin to create a world around the thoughts! 😉 Isn’t so? :)] and most importantly our body
and our soul! (Yes our soul too. So this puts an end to the accusation that soul never dies or changes!
It does change due to the experience and the choices it makes.) So, the only thing that is permanent is
the identity itself. It is like a water droplet touched to a vast drop, it merges completely yet retains its
identity. That is our true state of being. 🙂

Sitting at the couch thinking about the way life has progressed for me, I sometimes feel curious to know more about life : the problems that one faces and the right way to tackle them. At that moment, I make it a point to seek for these and many more answers regarding life. But then I am not too sure about the steps I should take to achieve the target. Moments come and go. I spend days and nights thinking about what should I do to take even a sneak peak at these answers. Then, one fine evening I come across a line that gives me most of the answers that I need. 😀 It says,

“Realisation is Revelation – It is as if the dust and debris of time are swept away and the shining truth is revealed.What is ‘seen’ , ‘known’ , ‘identified with’ in a transcendent state cannot adequately be conveyed by the written or spoken word.”

Now most of us would feel as if what this has to do with the thoughts that come into our minds. We feel so beacuse we have not yet realized what games our mind plays with us! 🙂 Let me show you how it does so. There is something called “Illusion” that is the driving force behined the course of events. But how it affects what we think? The answer is that we think what illusions make us think!

Don’t agree with me? Try this – If we are shown a green leaf and asked what its colour is, we will reply that it is green. However, it is not green. It only appears to be green because it absorbs all but that part of the light spectrum that makes green, and that is the part that is reflected to our eyes. A beautiful butterfly wing is not beautiful at all; it only looks that way because the tiny scales on the wings are angled in different ways to create different colours. Likewise, materials we take to be solid are not solid – glass flows slowly in response to gravity, the hardest diamond has space between its atoms and molecules; and energy particles are passing right through all seemingly solid bodies, including our own. Nothing is as it appears!  🙂

Because of the creative ability that we the humans are blessed with, we think we have entered in this world and so we become attatched to the pleasures it gives but with this there also comes the pain(the opposite of pleasure in case you didn’t know :P) because of the fundamental law that every action in this world has an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, we only think that we are here but actually we are just standing outside looking at what is happening. just like dreams as they appear real to us when we are dreaming. 🙂

As humans what we should strive to realize that everything is impermanent here. Everything we see, we hear, we possess , our thoughts! [This is the game our mind plays with us by creating thoughts and we begin to create a world around the thoughts! 😉 Isn’t so? :)] and most importantly our body and our soul! (Yes our soul too. So this puts an end to the accusation that soul never dies or changes! It does change due to the experience and the choices it makes.) So, the only thing that is permanent is the identity itself. It is like a water droplet touched to a vast drop, it merges completely yet retains its identity. That is our true state of being. 🙂

Emotions: A Roller Coaster ride through Life!

Emotions: A Roller Coaster ride through Life!
What would be life without emotions?
Lets see the two sides of the coin.
Would be better as we would not experience the distress associated with anger , fear and
depression.We would never be in a bad mood and there would be no unhappiness! 😀
Sounds exciting? Flip the coin and there comes a situation where there would be no joy no laughter or
no excitement.We would never know the pleasure of a good mood and there would be no happiness as
well! 😦
So the conclusion is that we as human beings are blessed with the ability to emote. Life gets its depth
and meaning well when one emotes. They enrich our lives. The ups and downs associated with our
emotional stages makes life nothing less than a Roller Coaster ride! 🙂 Some people live a wild
emotional life characterized by extreme highs and lows. Others lead a more rational emotional life—the
highs and lows are not too extreme. But we all ride life’s emotional roller coaster in one
way or another. Think for yourself when you secured first rank in school,how did you react. Obviously,
you came and hugged your parents,jumped on the bed like crazy saying “Mumma I came first! yay “
Isnt so? 🙂
Now lets come to the technical terms.The word emotion is a contraction of two words: exit and
motion. The ancient Greeks believed that the smiles and the frowns associated with such states as
happiness or sadness indicated that the soul was coming out of the body and revealing itself. It was
making an “exit motion.” This became “e-motion” or simply “emotion.” At physiological level, emotions
are considered disruption in homeostatic baselines.It means that there are changes in heart rate,
respiration rate, and blood pressure. These are fluctuations in arousal. At the psychological level, these
physiological changes are experienced as either greater excitement or increased calmness. Human
beings also experience these changes as either pleasant or unpleasant.
So , at last all I have to say is that we are goverened by our emotions but that is the weakness that we
as human beings possess and we should try to overcome it.

What would be life without emotions?

Lets see the two sides of the coin.

Would be better as we would not experience the distress associated with anger , fear and depression.We would never be in a bad mood and there would be no unhappiness! 😀

Sounds exciting? Flip the coin and there comes a situation where there would be no joy no laughter or no excitement.We would never know the pleasure of a good mood and there would be no happiness as well! 😦

So the conclusion is that we as human beings are blessed with the ability to emote. Life gets its depth and meaning well when one emotes. They enrich our lives. The ups and downs associated with our emotional stages makes life nothing less than a Roller Coaster ride! 🙂 Some people live a wild emotional life characterized by extreme highs and lows. Others lead a more rational emotional life—the  highs and lows are not too extreme. But we all ride life’s emotional roller coaster in one way or another. Think for yourself when you secured first rank in school,how did you react. Obviously, you came and hugged your parents,jumped on the bed like crazy saying “Mumma I came first! yay ” Isnt so? 🙂

Now lets come to the technical terms.The word emotion is a contraction of two words: exit and motion. The ancient Greeks believed that the smiles and the frowns associated with such states as happiness or sadness indicated that the soul was coming out of the body and revealing itself. It was making an “exit motion.” This became “e-motion” or simply “emotion.” At physiological level, emotions are considered disruption in homeostatic baselines.It means that there are changes in heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure. These are fluctuations in arousal. At the psychological level, these physiological changes are experienced as either greater excitement or increased calmness. Human beings also experience these changes as either pleasant or unpleasant.

So , at last all I have to say is that we are goverened by our emotions but that is the weakness that we  human beings possess and we should try to overcome it. 🙂

The Stepping Stone

As this is my foray into blogging, I was pretty confused as what to write about. After thinking a lot I decided to keep it simple. No hullabaloo about the choice of topic for the first post!(which is pretty uncommon as people take hot and trending topics to get the maximum hits!) But unlike others, I had inhibitions about blogging. I don’t know if I was right or wrong but I thought blogging was about useless people who have nothing to do! Yes! That’s true.
Gradually while surfing and job hunting[Still hunting :(] I realized how important blogging is considered thesedays.I mean you get to know what is happening around you(courtesy hot tags), you make good contacts and most importantly when you get the feedback(comments), you get to know what others think about your vision or thought and that is the best part of blogging I think.
As far as my interests are concerned,I love reading about psychological stuff.And whenever I get some time I utilize it and try to discover myself which is very important. Apart from all this, I love to learn new things. May it be a new technology or something in which I believe in(like meditation though I never meditate! :P) but still I like to learn it. After all,whatever you learn , does helps you somewhere or the other.
In the end I would like to mention some lines that I read somewhere and like to share with you all..
The hunger will give you everthing,
And it will take from you everything.
It will cost you your life,
And there isn’t damn thing you can do about it.
But knowing this, of course,
Is what ultimately sets you free.
Please feel free to share your comments.

As this is my foray into blogging, I was pretty confused as what to write about. After thinking a lot I decided to keep it simple. No hullabaloo about the choice of topic for the first post!(which is pretty uncommon as people take hot and trending topics to get the maximum hits!) 🙂 But unlike others, I had inhibitions about blogging. I don’t know if I was right or wrong but I thought blogging was about useless people who have nothing to do! Yes! That’s true.

Gradually while surfing and job hunting[Still hunting :(] I realized how important blogging is considered thesedays.I mean you get to know what is happening around you(courtesy hot tags), you make good contacts and most importantly when you get the feedback(comments), you get to know what others think about your vision or thought and that is the best part of blogging I think.

As far as my interests are concerned,I love reading about psychological stuff.And whenever I get some time I utilize it and try to discover myself which is very important according to me. 😀 Apart from all this, I love to learn new things. May it be a new technology or something in which I believe in(like meditation though I never meditate! :P) but still I like to learn it. After all,whatever you learn , does helps you somewhere or the other.

In the end I would like to mention some lines that I read somewhere and like to share with you all..

The hunger will give you everthing,

And it will take from you everything.

It will cost you your life,

And there isn’t damn thing you can do about it.

But knowing this, of course,

Is what ultimately sets you free.